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Business Insights from Andrea Hill

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AI: Your New Teammate

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the business world, particularly in how companies improve workflow efficiency. It automates repetitive tasks and drives productivity gains and cost savings. For businesses of all sizes, AI offers numerous benefits, from assisting with lead generation, qualification, campaign optimization, and sales forecasting to optimizing operations, logistics, inventory management, data analytics, and administrative tasks. Discover how you can enhance competitiveness, boost productivity, and stay ahead of the curve.

Radical Inclusiveness - the Competitive Edge

In a business climate where competitiveness and innovation are everything equality and diversity in the workforce are important keys to success.

Outstanding Customer Service is a Culture Thing

The question of how to deliver the outstanding customer service consumers expect is easy to answer but harder to implement.

    Some guidelines on how to implement business ethics in your environment.
    Social Media has an important place in at the table of marketing disciplines. But it's just one chair. If you are feeling burdened by your lack of a Facebook presence or the fact that you can't figure out what to blog or tweet about, here are a few things to consider.
    The jewelry industry needs to tell different stories if it wants to stay relevant.
    It’s no longer enough to just have a website. You must have a website that looks and feels current, and offers more than just a few pretty pictures.
    The future of branding and marketing is content development & sharing. Here's a shout-out to some writers in the jewelry industry leading the way.

    Most folks don't think. We react, daydream, deny, endorse, commiserate, argue, wish, and even wonder. But being a thinker is different.
    Push people because you owe it to them, not because they’ll appreciate it – because they won’t.
    The right action of which I speak is the right management, right planning and right leadership action necessary to run a profitable business that will fund the rest of our altruistic notions.

    Tell Better Stories

    It's not enough to sell a product or a service any more. You must also be able to tell the story. The Pip Storytelling Deck is a tool we use at the Werx Brands to construct and tell better stories. You can be a master story-teller too!

    Millennials are changing everything we know about luxury. Here are 5 key areas your luxury business must master to stay relevant.
    If you want a quick insight injection on how to take goal setting and self-assessment to the next level, let this be your 5-minute primer.
    Push people because you owe it to them, not because they’ll appreciate it – because they won’t.
    An integrity-infused business is all-or-nothing. You’re either feeling it or you’re not, and if you’re not feeling it, it will bite you in the bottom line.
    Here are some of the key structures that are absolutely necessary when converting to a more team-based organization.
    Do you have enough information to analyze your business from product to price to timing to turns?
    If you have been looking for a way to help your organization move faster, get ahead of your competition, and produce higher quality, a team-based structure could be the approach you’ve been searching for.
    The definition of fair means to be free of favor to any side. But in business we really do favor some things.
    The bottom line is that the jewelry industry is going to be fine. But retailers and small manufacturers need to ask of themselves a few vital questions.


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    Maybe the reason its so hard to remain in quarantine is that it's hard to outrun sadness when you're forced to be still.

    "Millions of items of the outward order are present to my senses which never properly enter into my experience. Why? Because they have no interest for me. My experience is what I agree to attend to. Only those items which I notice shape my mind.”
    William James

    Taking a knee ... Long the choice of peaceful, PRAYERFUL resistance.

    Don't get FOMO over unicorns in the news. It's not usually the first person with the idea who makes the money, or even the first person who invests the cash. The person who invests the discipline is always the one to bet on.

    I sometimes wonder what our country would be like today if Christians had thrown themselves into eradicating poverty or inequality with the same energy they invested in fighting abortion.

    I suspect the fear of being afraid is the most destructive fear of all.