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Business Insights from Andrea Hill

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Investing in America

Trump's proposed tariffs appeal to people who want American manufacturing jobs back, but will immediately increase household costs by thousands of dollars. Long-term investment in American manufacturing, like the programs initiated by the Biden administration, is a more effective and sustainable way to boost domestic production and create jobs.

Radical Inclusiveness - the Competitive Edge

In a business climate where competitiveness and innovation are everything equality and diversity in the workforce are important keys to success.

Outstanding Customer Service is a Culture Thing

The question of how to deliver the outstanding customer service consumers expect is easy to answer but harder to implement.

    What does it mean to honor an employee's dignity?
    Your approach to and appreciation for vendor relationships plays a vital role in your success. Retailers who actively build product channels reap the rewards.
    When I walk trade shows I look for more than products. I look for examples of business magic. Here are two; one from #JCKLasVegas and one from #Couture2014
    You already know being in business for yourself is hard work. But working this hard for no money? Differentiate.
    Most people don't know where to start with branding. They're not even sure what it is.

    Leadership requires clear values and the ability to ask who do we serve and what do we stand for.
    If you find yourself assembling virtual teams of home-based contract workers, you will need to develop new skills and sensitivities to motivate, manage, and assess them.
    Managing risk requires an ability to analyze the pros and cons of each decision from an objective place. Here are some tips on how to do it.

    Tell Better Stories

    It's not enough to sell a product or a service any more. You must also be able to tell the story. The Pip Storytelling Deck is a tool we use at the Werx Brands to construct and tell better stories. You can be a master story-teller too!

    A business living on auto-pilot ultimately dies of its own apathy. In business, every time is a time for change, and change is the only way to grow.
    Leadership requires a lot of consistency and discipline and is one of the biggest challenges facing small business owners.
    Selling is understanding what a customer needs, then providing solution to their needs. A good sales effort tells the customer what to decide.
    To be a better leader, be a student of business. This article gives advice on what areas to study and where to go to find that information.
    If business is about continuous improvement, then people must be continuously improving too. Giving better feedback will help your business improve.
    Do you have enough information to analyze your business from product to price to timing to turns?
    While a healthy ego is essential to any business success, it is the ability to balance ego and humility that leads to the most influential leaders.
    When faced with difficult options, all one can do is analyze it to the best of his or her ability, try to challenge all assumptions, then make a decision.
    Too often, rationalizing is an unhappy accident that leads to loss of market share, loss of profit margin, loss of jobs, and loss of a business. Unintended consequences are expensive.


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    "Millions of items of the outward order are present to my senses which never properly enter into my experience. Why? Because they have no interest for me. My experience is what I agree to attend to. Only those items which I notice shape my mind.”
    William James

    At the end of the day, we all have to fight our demons alone. And I think that's the source of loneliness. If you spend your whole life insisting there are no demons to fight or hiding your demons or determined to fight them in private, you end up existentially alone.

    I suspect the fear of being afraid is the most destructive fear of all.

    Well, Catholics pray to saints," I mutter to myself as I begin my nightly prayer to RBG.

    "The tricky thing about hope is to not confuse it with optimism." Rebecca Solnit

    I sometimes wonder what our country would be like today if Christians had thrown themselves into eradicating poverty or inequality with the same energy they invested in fighting abortion.