Are you experiencing the leadership challenge in your business now?
One of the most constant things we must do to run a successful business is lead, and that's really hard work. Leadership requires a lot of consistency and discipline. In a very big business you can distribute that leadership among many managers, and as long as most of those managers are effective in that role the overall business does OK. But in a very small business, any deficiencies in leadership can quickly lead to morale problems and other types of dysfunction in the workforce. This is the small business leadership challenge.
It's one of the biggest challenges facing small business owners, because they are not only faced with the constant demands and worries of the business itself, they must also take leadership roles for which they don't always feel equipped or perhaps even interested. Dealing with the people aspect of running a business is often more exhausting and demanding for small business owners than cash flow, financing, or sales struggles.
The good news is that these skills can be honed over time, but it's not always the way you want to spend your energy, so it's a challenge. And it's a challenge unlike developing new computer skills or financial knowledge. It requires looking hard at yourself and evaluating how effective you are inter-personally, what you can do to be a better communicator, and how you can express your irritations and frustrations in positive ways even when that's not what you feel like doing.
If you have more than three employees, take a look at your current business experience and analyze what percentage of your frustrations are people related versus business/task related. It may be that you are experiencing the small business leadership challenge right now.